Q1 2019 Email Engagement Stats
Last updated: July 17, 2023

Last year, reports were created quarterly on email delivery and engagement stats from some of Omeda’s largest senders. Insights from Q1 and Q2, Q3, and Q4 were provided to give our clients further understanding of their personal email engagement campaigns compared to other B2B industry professionals.
Moving into 2019, we are continuing the analysis and have added some additional clients to the mix. The 3 new clients were appended to the analysis since they began their partnerships with Omeda in late Q3 or Q4 of 2018. With new client conversions, the first area of interest always surrounds the initial impact to the open and click rates. We are looking forward to seeing their performance over this first year.
These statistics are still split out based on newsletters versus third party/sponsored sends because the emails see very different responses from receivers. Additionally, we added information on Digital Magazine email engagement results in order to continue providing more feedback and points of reference.
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Looking at all three areas of email engagement data pulled, it is interesting to note that there isn’t a trend across all the clients for which type of email performed best. For some clients it was third-party, others it was enewsletters, and for one it was the digital magazine emails. This is a great example that every brand has its own audience with unique behaviors. Exploring how your audience behaves is a great way to identify strong strategies to interact with them in the future. Don’t forget to watch the video from OX3 where one of our clients detailed how removing their unengaged customers actually increased their open and click rates.
Client | Delivered % | Unique Opens/Deliv | Unique Clicks/Deliv | Unique Clicks/Opens | Unsubscribe | Category of Total Send Volume |
Client A | 97.42% | 7.83% | 3.52% | 44.94% | 0.14% | Highest |
Client B | 95.15% | 17.98% | 3.59% | 19.93% | 0.33% | Higher |
Client C | 96.26% | 16.87% | 2.64% | 15.67% | 0.24% | Highest |
Client D | 98.43% | 19.57% | 4.50% | 23.00% | 0.39% | Higher |
Client E | 99.12% | 16.55% | 1.78% | 10.73% | 0.16% | High |
Client F | 96.90% | 14.87% | 4.42% | 29.74% | 0.23% | High |
Client G | 97.53% | 16.44% | 1.57% | 9.54% | 0.26% | Highest |
Client H | 92.98% | 15.90% | 2.54% | 15.97% | 0.21% | Highest |
Column Name | Max Length (Characters) | Description |
Customer ID | N/A | Used to tie a row to an existing customer. - Overlaps with Postal Address ID. Having both is redundant. |
Postal Address ID | N/A | Used to tie a row to an existing customer. - Overlaps with Customer ID. Having both is redundant. Customer ID will be used if both are mapped. |
First Name | 100 | First part of the name of a customer. - Overlaps with "First-Name-Last-Name," "Last-Name-First-Name," "Last Name, First Name." |
Middle Name | 100 | Second part of the name of a customer. |
Last Name | 100 | Third part of the name of a customer. - Overlaps with "First-Name-Last-Name," "Last-Name-First-Name," "Last Name, First Name." |
First-Name Last-Name | 500* | Full name field that breaks the name into different columns during processing. - Space is used to break up the names. If multiple spaces exist, only the first and last pieces will be used. - Not ideal for complex names. Use individual columns for better precision. |
Last-Name First-Name | 500* | Full name field that breaks the name into different columns during processing. - Space is used to break up the names. If multiple spaces exist, only the first and last pieces will be used. - Not ideal for complex names. Use individual columns for better precision. |
Last Name, First Name | 500* | Full name field that breaks the name into different columns during processing. - Comma is used to break up the names. - Not ideal for complex names. Use individual columns for better precision. |
Salutation | 10 | Used for things such as Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms. |
Suffix | 10 | Used for things such as Senior, Sr, Junior, Jr, PhD. |
Title | 100 | Used for things like "Software Developer," "Chief Executive Officer," "Chief Marketing Officer." |
Gender | 1 | The gender of the customer. |
External Customer ID | 255 | An alternative identifier belonging to a non-Omeda system. |
Column | Max Length (Characters) | Description |
Company Name | 255 | Name of the company that should be addressed. |
Street | 255 | The street address. Example: 1 N Dearborn St |
Apt / Suite / Mailstop | 255 | Part of the street address for rooms at the given street location. |
Extra Address | 255 | Used for any additional information regarding street not satisfied by the previous fields. |
City | 100 | City of the address. |
Region Code | 100 | Abbreviated version of the State, Province, Territory, etc. name. |
Region | 100 | State, Province, Territory, etc. name. |
Country Code | 100 | Abbreviated version of the Country's name. |
Country | 100 | Country's Name |
Postal Code | 50 | Postal identifier. If it's a US zip-code, the program will attempt to parse out the relevant parts of it's zip+4. |
To note: the Category of Total Send Volume column has also been added for this quarter to display the size of these companies’ send volume relative to the top ten clients featured. Using the sum of sends over newsletter, third-party and digital magazines, each client’s total number of emails was calculated. The clients were then grouped into high, higher and highest senders relative to one another.
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